One Espresso Cupcake

He came every day.
“Just here for my usual –
One espresso cupcake.”
That is what he would say.

She smiled when he came in.
She counted on seeing him every day.
She always made sure there would be
One espresso cupcake waiting.
Just for him.
Every day.

He smiled and laughed with her.
Every single day.
“Just here for my usual –
One espresso cupcake.”
Was what he’d say.

She missed him when he didn’t show up.
She put his espresso cupcake with the others.
She missed the sound of his voice.
She wondered if he was okay.

Then, he showed up the next day.
“Just here for my usual –
One espresso cupcake.”
Is what she expected him to say.

But he smiled that smile she liked.
And he said,
“Just here for my usual –
One espresso cupcake plus
One more espresso cupcake
Just for you.”

That was then.
And ten years have passed.
A wedding band circles her finger
Just like it circles his finger.

And she still sets aside
One espresso cupcake
Just for him.
Every day.

July 2019 Writing Prompts

9 thoughts on “One Espresso Cupcake

    1. Thank you so much!

      I almost ended it with him buying her the cupcake, but it didn’t feel like a strong enough ending. It wouldn’t have been a bad ending, but it needed a couple more verses to end it right. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

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