The Cold Alone

Author’s Note:  I saw this writing prompt on michnavs website and I just couldn’t resist it. The photo prompt originally came from Diana, of Myths of the Mirror, who has created a new, monthly photo prompt. You can find out the details, and join in right here .

The last Ice Titan stood alone.

All of his fellow Ice Titans had fallen to a vast assortment of heroes and hero wannabes. And so he was left alone.

And alone is all that he wanted to be.

He wanted to spend his last days before the Great Thaw in peace and quiet.

That was his plan.

Then, he saw them. The small black figures trekking across the snow plain and heading his way. They were so tiny and vulnerable and pathetic. He could stomp them easily with one foot. He could freeze them all with one breath.

But that’s what all of the other Ice Titans had said. And they were no more.

He would not make that mistake.

He would be careful.

He would be wary.

He would not underestimate them.

And who knows? With a little bit of luck, they would leave him in peace.


ICEMAN – January’s #WritingPrompt

24 thoughts on “The Cold Alone

    1. Thank you so much! As soon as I saw that picture, I was like “This picture is so awesome I need to write a story about it.” Then, I got that first line in my head and the story just took off from there. I’m glad you enjoyed it. 🙂

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  1. I know just how he feels… about being left in peace, and yeah, it’s been that cold around here. 🙂

    The wonderful thing about these writing prompts, and especially about Diane’s is that they lead us to each other. I have read a few other of your stories and enjoyed them thoroughly.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much!

      I agree with you about writing prompts. It’s so easy to get lost in one’s own corner of WordPress/the internet in general. Doing a writing prompt like this one is a very good way to stick one’s head out of their shell and see who else is out there.

      Liked by 1 person

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